Having a blog as part of a beat selling website is very beneficial for music producers.
If you don’t have a blog on your website right now, you are losing out on a whole bunch of traffic, sales, and new fans that you can build relationships with through your blog content.
Remember this phrase: “Content is King”.
Without content you will not drive many music artists to your beats without paying for advertising. The best traffic online is free traffic.
It will take you longer to get that free traffic, but it’s well worth it in the long run.
Today we will give you 5 reasons why music producers should have a blog.
1. Traffic
Driving traffic to your beat selling website is where most music producers are failing today. Many producers want quick results when it comes to traffic but don’t have the budget or the marketing training to get into advertising.
How are you going to sell beats without any traffic?
This is where creating a blog on your website comes in handy.
Yes, it will take you a bit longer to get music artists flooding to your music production business through your blog, but if you’re a serious music producer who is in it for the long haul and wants to sell more beats, then having a blog will benefit you over time.
All you have to do is create value driven articles or, if you’re not a writer, get those articles written for you.
Focus on creating blog posts or guides about the music industry, recording, or anything else related to helping music artists succeed. Provide value first.
Once you get in the habit of creating an article every week or 2 weeks, you will see your website visitor count rise.
Also, make sure you add social sharing buttons on every article so it can be easily shared. Like I said before, free traffic is the best traffic available online.
It does take some time but having a blog can get you 1000’s of music artists to your music production business every month.
2. Grow Your Email List
Another advantage of having a blog is email marketing. You can easily double your fan base by just adding some opt in forms in the middle or below each article, as you can see in the example below.
[optin_box style=”10″ alignment=”center” action=”https://www.aweber.com/scripts/addlead.pl” method=”post” email_field=”email” email_default=”Enter your email address” integration_type=”custom” double_optin=”Y” name_default=”Enter your first name”][optin_box_hidden][/optin_box_hidden][optin_box_code]
[/optin_box_code][optin_box_field name=”headline”]Here’s The Headline For The Box[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”paragraph”]PHA+V2FudCBIZWxwIFNlbGxpbmcgTW9yZSBCZWF0cz8gRW50ZXIgRW1haWwgQmVsb3cgVG8gR2V0IFN0YXJ0ZWQ8L3A+Cg==[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”privacy”]We value your privacy and would never spam you[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”top_color”]undefined[/optin_box_field][optin_box_button type=”0″ button_below=”Y”]Get Instant Access![/optin_box_button] [/optin_box]
Having opt in forms inside the body of an article is really powerful and the conversions are much higher than just having 1 opt in form on your whole website.
If you’ve read my other articles and or watched my videos then you know that I’m always talking about growing your email list.
It’s the first thing you music producers should focus on if you want to grow your music production business. This will be the core of your business for years to come.
Once you grow a huge list of music artists, you can actually send an email blast to everyone on your list every time you upload beats by using this service. Your chances of selling beats will be much higher than just regular website visitors due to the relationship you build with your subscribers.
See my top 10 Tools for Selling Beats presentation below..
3. Search Engine Optimization
What is Search engine optimization, also known as SEO?
SEO is all about optimizing your website to rank on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This is great way to generate traffic to your website by creating high quality content that the search engines love.
Some say ranking websites on Google or any other search engines is not worth the hassle and that it is too time consuming.
My recommendation is this… don’t focus all your time trying to base your music production business around Google traffic to sell beats online.
Yes, make it a part of your overall traffic generating strategy, but mainly focus on creating great content on your blog.
Once you get into a habit of creating great content, make sure you optimize that content for the search engines.
If your website is created with wordpress then this plugin will make it really easy to optimize your blog post.
[button_1 text=”Learn%20How%20To%20Create%20a%20Beat%20Selling%20Website%20In%2030%20Minutes” text_size=”19″ text_color=”#ffffff” text_font=”Arial;default” text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”21″ styling_height=”18″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#000199″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center”/]
Search engine traffic is the best traffic available online mainly because it’s free, but it does take some time to rank your beat selling website.
Make sure you create great content every week. This will create a roll over effect that will grow over time.
4. Promote other products
Having a blog is also a great way to promote any other products that you have available. We always tell online music producers to create more products to expand their business – don’t just focus on selling beats.
You can use your blog as a store front by adding images and/or links inside the content that redirect the visitors to that product.
This can be mixing services, drum kits, artist promotions, or beat packs – anything that you can generate extra income from you should be promoting everywhere.
In the case you don’t have any other products, you can promote affiliate products for music producers.
Affiliate products are products that you can promote on your blog then receive a commission for if a visitor clicks on your blog link and purchases the product.
5. Connect a music artist
Make your blog the place where music artists love to hang out for tips and tricks about the music industry.
Not only will you sell more beats, you will build trust with those artists that can last for years to come. Be the go-to guy for free information in regards to helping the indie music artist succeed.
This is really key to selling beats online. Give the music artists opportunities with discounts on beats to those who don’t have the budget to buy $1000 beats.
How do you make your blog a place for music artists?
Use all the steps we outlined in this blog post from creating content that music artists need, to building your email list through a blog.
Be the supply and demand. You are a music production business and your goal is to make money selling beats and in order to better your chances, creating a blog is a great step to take.